Saturday, May 19, 2012

A Little Game Called Catch-Up!!


What a whirl-wind few months it's been! I'm terribly behind on blog posts - it's hard to sit down and have the time to upload pictures and wax eloquently about the subjects when you're trying so hard to find a job, cram learning everything into the last few rotations of your clinical year and prepare for graduation and a move back to SC... but here's a quick catch-up of what's happened in the last few months.

Check out the individual blog posts of each goings-on (coming soon!!) for more pictures!

University of Delaware Rugby - always a good time, and really excellent photography fun, especially with my new longer-range lens!!

My first boudoir shoot! With a beautiful, hilarious model, in my very own home studio!

Two weeks on externship at Hanover Shoe Farms, LLC, in beautiful Hanover, PA - The Greatest Name in Harness Racing.  I took several hundred pictures and cant seem to pick which ones I like best!! Check out the individual posts for more pictures: one dedicated to the beautiful historic borough of Hanover, PA, one showcasing the phenomenal green scenery around the farm and one especially to bring a sparkle to any equine-lover's eye... 

My first maternity session!! With my beautiful friend, classmate - and now veterinary colleague! - Dana and her wonderful, gregarious husband Lance.  

My own graduation - I'll admit, I cant take credit for any of the pictures (my brilliant, talented little brother gets all the glory for these...) but I'd like to share some of my favorites, anyway! 

Third Grade Frontier Days at Lake Murray Elementary School!! I am so lucky to be invited to such fun things! 

More to come - check back soon!!

- SMY 

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