Saturday, December 10, 2011

Support Your Local Hooker...

... play Rugby!!

I like to catch the UD Women's Rugby matches whenever I can... there's always booze, broads and raunchy jokes to be had, plus some pretty amazing girls with great personalities.  I usually use it an an excuse to pretend I'm a sports photographer... sans the impressive lens, of course... and sometimes I get some pretty nice shots, in spite of myself.

It's nice to be there, on the side of the pitch, with so many people cheering for one thing.  I really enjoy the sense of camaraderie.

UD had a rematch with Temple in early November. It was a pretty chilly game, and we lost... but it was still kind of fun!!

Here are some of my favorite shots...

For more information about Women's Rugby at the University of Delaware, check out


PS : Give Blood, Play Rugby!!

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