Saturday, December 10, 2011

Fall into Autumn

Forgive the pun... I couldn't help myself!!

In early November, I spent about an hour in the farmer's market at Milburn Orchards in Elkton, MD - sampling yummy preserves, searching for the perfect pumpkin and trying to decide which apples are best for making homemade pies.

And for those of you who don't know me and the madness that comes from my aesthetic preferences... I think produce is exceptionally photogenic.  The Fresh Market in Columbia, SC ( is my very favorite place to spend a lazy afternoon with my camera ... well... maybe not VERY favorite... but it's up there. The lighting is perfect, the fruits & veggies are shiny and blemish-free... and it's full of awesome stuff!

So, spending an hour in a farmers market provided me some time to snap some silly kitchen-artsy type photos... here are some of my favorites!

And THEN I spent a little while wandering around the University of Delaware campus after my run - snapping pictures of changing leaves, golden sunlight... things of that sort of Autumn-ish nature. Here are a few of my favorites...

It's nice to feel the cooler, crisp weather, and see all the leaves change.  That's one thing I'll miss about living in the Northeast - the pine trees in the South don't change colors!! 

- SMY 

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