Monday, December 12, 2011

Riverbanks Zoo & Garden

When I was a little girl, I could have been a tour-guide for the zoo.  I knew all the paths, where all the animals were... all the "secret stuff" about the exhibits and every feeding schedule... I had a fun-animal-fact for nearly every stop along the way.  And I absolutely loved it.

Well... turns out that I could still be a tour-guide for the zoo, even after the millions of dollars in renovations done on the grounds since the last time I lived in Columbia.  Only, now I have veterinary facts to compliment the fun-animal ones... and I point a camera at the animals, instead of my sticky, plump little-kid fingers.  And I still absolutely love it!!

I spent a few hours at the zoo while I was home at Thanksgiving... it was a great afternoon.

Here are a few of my favorite shots...

Afternoons at the Zoo are some of my favorite memories - and pictures - as a child... I sincerely hope that there is something as wonderful for my children.

To learn more about Riverbanks Zoo & Garden - or how to become a Zoo Member and get FREE admission to the zoo, every day!! - check out


Saturday, December 10, 2011

Bang, Bang Shoot 'em Up

So I volunteered to help call and score at a Trap & Skeet shoot mid-November... it was my first experience with a shooting match, and my first experience with shooting trap or skeet.  It was a little boring, but I learned a lot and I did get to sit in a pretty cool chair to score - made me feel very important - haha.

Afterward, the girls that volunteered with me got to shoot a round (25 clay pigeons each).  Of course, I did my own kind of shooting...

Here are some of my favorites!

I don't think I'll ever be overwhelmed by the desire to shoot trap or skeet... but it was fun to watch.


Support Your Local Hooker...

... play Rugby!!

I like to catch the UD Women's Rugby matches whenever I can... there's always booze, broads and raunchy jokes to be had, plus some pretty amazing girls with great personalities.  I usually use it an an excuse to pretend I'm a sports photographer... sans the impressive lens, of course... and sometimes I get some pretty nice shots, in spite of myself.

It's nice to be there, on the side of the pitch, with so many people cheering for one thing.  I really enjoy the sense of camaraderie.

UD had a rematch with Temple in early November. It was a pretty chilly game, and we lost... but it was still kind of fun!!

Here are some of my favorite shots...

For more information about Women's Rugby at the University of Delaware, check out


PS : Give Blood, Play Rugby!!

Emily & Daniel - and family!!

The week before Thanksgiving, I had the absolute pleasure of shooting a portrait session with my good friend Emily and her wonderful husband Daniel.  Add to that her 17yo Thoroughbred mare, Overdose, their adorable rat terrier, Scoop and the shy-but-still-cuddly hairless rex, Harry... and you've got a challenging, busy afternoon!!

Luckily, they're way patient and in great spirits, and both amazingly photogenic... it really was a great afternoon!

Here are some of my favorites...

Great fun with great friends. :)

To see the rest of the photos from this shoot, check out Sarafina Photography on facebook!!


Fall into Autumn

Forgive the pun... I couldn't help myself!!

In early November, I spent about an hour in the farmer's market at Milburn Orchards in Elkton, MD - sampling yummy preserves, searching for the perfect pumpkin and trying to decide which apples are best for making homemade pies.

And for those of you who don't know me and the madness that comes from my aesthetic preferences... I think produce is exceptionally photogenic.  The Fresh Market in Columbia, SC ( is my very favorite place to spend a lazy afternoon with my camera ... well... maybe not VERY favorite... but it's up there. The lighting is perfect, the fruits & veggies are shiny and blemish-free... and it's full of awesome stuff!

So, spending an hour in a farmers market provided me some time to snap some silly kitchen-artsy type photos... here are some of my favorites!

And THEN I spent a little while wandering around the University of Delaware campus after my run - snapping pictures of changing leaves, golden sunlight... things of that sort of Autumn-ish nature. Here are a few of my favorites...

It's nice to feel the cooler, crisp weather, and see all the leaves change.  That's one thing I'll miss about living in the Northeast - the pine trees in the South don't change colors!!