Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Ditat Deus - God Enriches

Ditat deus is the state motto of Arizona... and believe me, it is enriched.  I spent two weeks on externship at the Durango Equine Veterinary Clinic in April.  I met wonderful people, worked with beautiful horses and fell head-over-heels in love with Arizona. I loved the weather, the atmosphere, the amazing sky... it felt a little like home.

I have to thank Dr. Lloyd Kloppe, Dr. Alana Hendrix, Dr. Traci Hulse and Dr. Bridgette Bourke for giving me such a phenomenal educational (and fun) experience. I learned so many sneaky little tricks for general practice - useful things they don't teach you in vet school... and I had such a wonderful time. Two weeks of my life I wouldn't trade for anything else.

Of course, I took several thousand pictures. Here are some of my favorites...

Horse pictures first - DEVC also houses several beautiful (and high-dollar) Arabian and Quarter Horse mares for breeding, embryo transfer and foaling ... the foals are my favorite subjects... but not all of these are foals! DEVC patients tended to be slick, fit and gorgeous too...

The second most amazing thing about being in Arizona... and possibly the most memorable, for me... was the sky. It's amazing how MUCH sky there is! Without trees or buildings to cut you off from the Horizon, everything seems so much bigger than yourself. The scenery was breathtaking - I wish I could have done it justice... here are my best attempts... 

And of course... some things are just for fun ;-)

I absolutely fell in love in Arizona... I can't wait to go back!


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